Prenatal Exercise Myths

Separating FACT from FICTION

Congratulations, you’re having a baby! After you get over the initial shock, excitement and wonder, you will likely begin to plan and prepare your mind, body and spirit for the new adventure of motherhood. Pregnancy is an ideal time to establish healthy habits regarding exercise and nutrition. Here’s what you need to know to help keep you and your baby happy and healthy!


You need to wait until after the first trimester before you can begin exercising.


You can begin exercising anytime during your pregnancy in the absence of contraindications. Women with uncomplicated pregnancies are encouraged to engage in both cardio and strength resistance training before, during and after their pregnancy. In fact, in the 2019 Guidelines for Physical Activity during pregnancy, CSEP (the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology) recommends that pregnant women get at least 20-30 minutes of moderately intense, aerobic activity 3 to 5 times per week (adding up to at least 150 minutes per week).


You need to keep your heart rate below 140 bpm.


We've learned that heart rate checks are not the most accurate method of evaluating intensity. Sometimes a very fit pregnant person may have an elevated heart rate with a lower perceived intensity, while an unfit pregnant person may have a lower heart rate doing the exact same activity, but who feels their level of intensity is much higher. It is safer and more accurate to measure perceived exertion and follow the ‘talk test’. A pregnant person should be able to carry on a conversation while exercising, without having to gasp for breath. So, can you sing the ABC’s while you squat?


You can’t train your core during pregnancy.


Core Strength is essential for maintaining muscular balance and preparing for the pushing phase of labour. However, it is important to train it correctly! You may wish to avoid certain exercises like crunches, neutral plank and twisting work, if you have trouble engaging your abdominal muscles correctly. Instead try perfecting side planks, weighted marches, deep core breathing and isometric abdominal work to keep your core strong throughout your pregnancy.


If you have never exercised before you should not start during pregnancy.


Physical inactivity during pregnancy is a leading risk factor for pregnancy complications like high blood pressure and gestational diabetes. It may also lead to excessive weight gain which can further complicate your overall health. For most pregnant people, the benefits of regular exercise will outweigh any risk. If you have never been active before, then start slowly, find a qualified instructor who specializes in working with the prenatal population and start a new habit today!

Last thoughts

Remember, physical activity is an essential element of a healthy lifestyle. People who exercise throughout their pregnancy have healthier babies, reduce their risk of pregnancy complications, manage weight gain and enhance their mental well being. What are you waiting for? Find an instructor who has special training in working with the prenatal population and join a prenatal fitness class near you!

Interested in joining us? Our community is a great way to meet other new parents. Fitmama Strong Online has been operating classes online from our virtual studio since 2020. Our community is a thriving and welcoming space for you and your littles.

We offer Prenatal Fitness and Prenatal Yoga classes, on-demand from our virtual studio through a special series. Our 30 minute live, online Express classes include a Prenatal friendly Yoga class.

If you’re new to Fitmama Strong Online, try one of our 3 Class Passes! You can use them at any of our Express classes on our live, online schedule. It doesn’t matter if you’re pregnant, your baby was born 6 weeks ago or 6 years ago, we have something for all of our members! Already been to Fitmama Strong classes? Grab a monthly membership and keep moving with us:)

Finally, we offer in-person Stroller Fitness and Babywearing Fitness through our Durham Region and Ottawa locations. We can’t wait to have you join us!

We can’t wait for you to #startwithus and #growwithus. Join us Online or find your Fitmama Strong Location!