Types of Health Care Providers
Primary Health Care Providers
As a pregnant person, you’re able to choose the type of primary health care provider you would like, to follow you during your pregnancy. These are your options:
Prenatal Primary Health Care Providers
1. Midwife:
Nursing degree, nursing diploma or midwifery college program with approximately 4 - 8 years of training
Scope of Care
Manages low-risk, uncomplicated pregnancies.
If a Cesarean (or other intervention such as forceps or vacuum) is required, care is transferred to an OB at the hospital.
Midwives are present at the birth for the entire process, even if care is transferred to an OB.
Location of Services
Midwives are usually part of a larger clinic and are set up in teams (usually primary and secondary) so that you are familiar with the person who will be present at the labour and delivery.
It’s not unusual for student midwives to be present at a birth
Relationship with a midwife begins any time after first positive pregnancy test.
Focus is on developing a personal relationship where appointments are more frequent and longer in length.
Labour and delivery
Labour and delivery may take place at home, in a birthing centre or at the hospital.
Midwives are in the birth room for the entire labour and delivery.
Midwives may use non-medical techniques (ie: nipple stimulation) to bring on labour.
Midwives use limited medical interventions during labour and delivery and may use non-medical pain management techniques (ie: breathing, hydrotherapy and visualization). Midwives can request epidurals and can prescribe an induction.
Mom can return home within hours of delivery, if everything goes well.
Midwives continue to care for newborn and new mom for the first six weeks. Mom and baby are both seen on day 1, day 2, day 4 (these are home visits); at two weeks, 4 weeks and 6 weeks (clinic visits). Midwife checks both mom and baby at clinic visits.
2. Obstetrician
Medical school and specialization in obstetrics
Scope of Care
Manages all types of pregnancies.
An Obstetrician is the only option for high risk births or Cesareans and is the best option to oversee a pregnancy with complications or health issues.
Mom sees OB for a follow up visit around 6 weeks postpartum, unless there are complications (baby sees family doc or paediatrician)
Location of Services
Has an office that may or may not be shared with another doctor or OB
Usually is part of a larger group of OB’s that have privileges at a hospital and any OB in the group may deliver your baby.
At teaching hospitals, there are often Residents delivering babies under the supervision of an OB.
Professional medical relationship begins after referral by a family physician.
Labour and delivery
A labour and delivery nurse will be present for the entire process.
OB checks in when needed and assesses progress. They are not continually present during the labouring stage.
OB can recommend the full range of various types of intervention (ie: induction medication, pain medication, vacuum, forceps, etc).
OB is present during the pushing and delivery stage.
Mom’s hospital stay lasts between 24 and 48 hours, depending on the type of birth. This may be mandated by the hospital (typically vaginal is 24-48 hrs, Cesarean is 48-72 hrs).
OB will see new mom at their office for a six week follow up appointment, unless there’s a complication. Mom will coordinate well baby visits with family doctor or paediatrician.
3. Family DocTOR
Medical school
Scope of Care
Will manage low-risk, uncomplicated pregnancies.
If a Cesarean is required, care is transferred to an OB at the hospital.
Mom sees family doctor for a follow up visit and continues to see them for ongoing regular care afterwards.
Location of Services
Has an office that may or may not be shared with another doctor.
The Family Physician is usually the doctor to deliver the baby in the hospital where they have privileges, unless they are away and have made other arrangements.
Professional medical relationship that usually precedes pregnancy and continues after pregnancy.
Labour and delivery
A labour and delivery nurse will be present for the entire process.
Family physician checks in when needed, and assesses progress. They are not continually present during the labouring stage.
Family physician can recommend the full range of various types of intervention (ie: induction medication, pain medication, vacuum, forceps, etc), but will defer to an OB to implement. OB will decide on the most appropriate action to take.
Family physician is present during the pushing and delivery stage.
Mom’s hospital stay lasts between 24 and 48 hours, depending on the type of birth. This may be mandated by the hospital (typically vaginal is 24-48 hrs, Cesarean is 48-72 hrs).
Family Doctor will see new mom at their office for a six week follow up appointment, unless there’s a complication. Often, they will take on the new baby as a patient as well.
Secondary Health Care & Support Providers
Secondary Health Care and Support Providers include Massage Therapy, Osteotherapy & Physiotherapy
During your pregnancy, you may also include some secondary Health Care Providers in your care. These might include:
Nurse Practitioner
Physiotherapist (including pelvic floor physiotherapist)
Naturopathic Doctor
Massage Therapist
Psychologist or Therapist
Or you may use other prenatal support providers:
Fitness Instructors or Personal Trainers (like Fitmama Strong!)
Childbirth Educators
Dieticians or Nutritionists
We work with many different Secondary Healthcare Providers in our network. If you’re looking for a recommendation, please reach out! We’ll help connect you (our partners at Discover Birth offer prenatal and postpartum Doula support as well as childbirth education).
Interested in joining us? Our classes are a great way to meet other new parents. Fitmama Strong Online has been operating classes online from our virtual studio since 2020. Our community is a thriving and welcoming space for you and your littles.
We offer Prenatal Fitness and Prenatal Yoga classes, on-demand from our virtual studio through a special series. Our 30 minute live, online Express classes include the Express Flow class, which is a Prenatal friendly Yoga class.
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