Types of Health Care Providers

Primary Health Care Providers

As a pregnant person, you’re able to choose the type of primary health care provider you would like, to follow you during your pregnancy. These are your options:


Prenatal Primary Health Care Providers

1. Midwife:


  • Nursing degree, nursing diploma or midwifery college program with approximately 4 - 8 years of training

Scope of Care

  • Manages low-risk, uncomplicated pregnancies. 

  • If a Cesarean (or other intervention such as forceps or vacuum) is required, care is transferred to an OB at the hospital.

  • Midwives are present at the birth for the entire process, even if care is transferred to an OB.

Location of Services

  • Midwives are usually part of a larger clinic and are set up in teams (usually primary and secondary) so that you are familiar with the person who will be present at the labour and delivery.

  • It’s not unusual for student midwives to be present at a birth


  • Relationship with a midwife begins any time after first positive pregnancy test. 

  • Focus is on developing a personal relationship where appointments are more frequent and longer in length.

Labour and delivery

  • Labour and delivery may take place at home, in a birthing centre or at the hospital.

  • Midwives are in the birth room for the entire labour and delivery.

  • Midwives may use non-medical techniques (ie: nipple stimulation) to bring on labour.

  • Midwives use limited medical interventions during labour and delivery and may use non-medical pain management techniques (ie: breathing, hydrotherapy and visualization). Midwives can request epidurals and can prescribe an induction.

  • Mom can return home within hours of delivery, if everything goes well.

  • Midwives continue to care for newborn and new mom for the first six weeks. Mom and baby are both seen on day 1, day 2, day 4 (these are home visits); at two weeks, 4 weeks and 6 weeks (clinic visits). Midwife checks both mom and baby at clinic visits.

2. Obstetrician


  • Medical school and specialization in obstetrics

Scope of Care

  • Manages all types of pregnancies.

  • An Obstetrician is the only option for high risk births or Cesareans and is the best option to oversee a pregnancy with complications or health issues.

  • Mom sees OB for a follow up visit around 6 weeks postpartum, unless there are complications (baby sees family doc or paediatrician)

Location of Services

  • Has an office that may or may not be shared with another doctor or OB

  • Usually is part of a larger group of OB’s that have privileges at a hospital and any OB in the group may deliver your baby.

  • At teaching hospitals, there are often Residents delivering babies under the supervision of an OB.


  • Professional medical relationship begins after referral by a family physician.

Labour and delivery

  • A labour and delivery nurse will be present for the entire process. 

  • OB checks in when needed and assesses progress. They are not continually present during the labouring stage.

  • OB can recommend the full range of various types of intervention (ie: induction medication, pain medication, vacuum, forceps, etc).

  • OB is present during the pushing and delivery stage.

  • Mom’s hospital stay lasts between 24 and 48 hours, depending on the type of birth. This may be mandated by the hospital (typically vaginal is 24-48 hrs, Cesarean is 48-72 hrs).

  • OB will see new mom at their office for a six week follow up appointment, unless there’s a complication. Mom will coordinate well baby visits with family doctor or paediatrician.

3. Family DocTOR


  • Medical school

Scope of Care

  • Will manage low-risk, uncomplicated pregnancies. 

  • If a Cesarean is required, care is transferred to an OB at the hospital.

  • Mom sees family doctor for a follow up visit and continues to see them for ongoing regular care afterwards.

Location of Services

  • Has an office that may or may not be shared with another doctor.

  • The Family Physician is usually the doctor to deliver the baby in the hospital where they have privileges, unless they are away and have made other arrangements.


  • Professional medical relationship that usually precedes pregnancy and continues after pregnancy.

Labour and delivery

  • A labour and delivery nurse will be present for the entire process. 

  • Family physician checks in when needed, and assesses progress. They are not continually present during the labouring stage. 

  • Family physician can recommend the full range of various types of intervention (ie: induction medication, pain medication, vacuum, forceps, etc), but will defer to an OB to implement. OB will decide on the most appropriate action to take.

  • Family physician is present during the pushing and delivery stage.

  • Mom’s hospital stay lasts between 24 and 48 hours, depending on the type of birth. This may be mandated by the hospital (typically vaginal is 24-48 hrs, Cesarean is 48-72 hrs).

  • Family Doctor will see new mom at their office for a six week follow up appointment, unless there’s a complication. Often, they will take on the new baby as a patient as well.

Secondary Health Care & Support Providers

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Secondary Health Care and Support Providers include Massage Therapy, Osteotherapy & Physiotherapy

During your pregnancy, you may also include some secondary Health Care Providers in your care. These might include:

  • Nurse Practitioner

  • Chiropractor

  • Physiotherapist (including pelvic floor physiotherapist)

  • Naturopathic Doctor

  • Osteopath

  • Massage Therapist

  • Acupuncturist

  • Dietician

  • Psychologist or Therapist

Or you may use other prenatal support providers:

  • Fitness Instructors or Personal Trainers (like Fitmama Strong!)

  • Doulas

  • Childbirth Educators

  • Dieticians or Nutritionists

We work with many different Secondary Healthcare Providers in our network. If you’re looking for a recommendation, please reach out! We’ll help connect you (our partners at Discover Birth offer prenatal and postpartum Doula support as well as childbirth education).

Interested in joining us? Our classes are a great way to meet other new parents. Fitmama Strong Online has been operating classes online from our virtual studio since 2020. Our community is a thriving and welcoming space for you and your littles.

We offer Prenatal Fitness and Prenatal Yoga classes, on-demand from our virtual studio through a special series. Our 30 minute live, online Express classes include the Express Flow class, which is a Prenatal friendly Yoga class.

If you’re new to Fitmama Strong Online, try one of our 3 Class Passes! You can use them at any of our Express classes on our live, online schedule. It doesn’t matter if you’re pregnant, your baby was born 6 weeks ago or 6 years ago, we have something for all of our members! Already been to Fitmama Strong classes? Grab a monthly membership and keep moving with us:)

Finally, we offer in-person Stroller Strong and Babywearing Fitness through our Durham Region and Ottawa locations. We can’t wait to have you join us!

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